Welcome to

We're so glad you're here!
Thank you for visiting our website! To stay updated on PTA news, register below, no membership required.
Mission statement: Lynhaven is beautifully diverse, the PTA’s mission is to enhance every student’s school experience and encourage a deeper connection between families, school and community.
Lynhaven's PTA is committed to these values:
Prioritizing Students
Together Building Community
ALL are Welcome, ALL are Wanted
Sign up to become a PTA member! You can sign up through our online "Store" tab, or by filling out a paper membership form. These paper forms are located on the PTA Table/Display in the school office.
You may make a direct donation through our online store or by filling out a paper donation form. Checks can be made out to Lynhaven Elementary PTA and can be dropped off in the school office.
The PTA also accepts donations of office supplies and snacks for out wonderful teachers and staff. Check our Amazon wishlist here!
If you are interested in supporting your child by becoming a part of the PTA click here for a list of position descriptions. You may also contact president@lynhavenpta.org if you have questions.
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here.